1st Paragraph: Introduction, a very short biography 2nd Paragraph: Body: Contribution to events that led to World War 2 and/or events during World War 2 3rd Paragraph: Conclusion: personal opinion/s about the person and his participation to events relating to World War 2 During the late 1930’s, while most countries were preparing for the inevitable (WWII), Spain was dealing with internal problems. In the year 1936, a civil war had commenced between the Nationalists and the Republicans. The Nationalists crushed the Republicans, who were defending their rule, within three years. One man, who contributed towards the Nationalist’ victory was General Francisco Franco. Franco was born in a military based family in the year 1892. Franco, from a young age, had the zeal for joining the Spanish Army.
During the early 1900’s, Franco served in Spanish Morocco, where he was promoted to full general. He continued his upward draft until the 1940’s where he became the dictator of Spain. Major forces, like Britain, France, and America too recognized Franco during his golden years. However, Franco was twice as brutal as efficient in his works. This was seen during the Guernica event in the Spanish Civil war where the death toll was humongous for a town. Franco continued his brutal reign after the civil war and kept his status of a dictator until his death day. After the World War II began, in 1939 it broke out in Europe. Adolf Hitler met General Francisco Franco to make Spain to join the axis power in World War II but Franco declined Hitler’s requirement and declared neutrality. However, Franco supported the axis materially, economically and militarily. In 1941, he sent military volunteer to the axis to join the invasion against the Soviet Union. Additionally, over 100,000 Spanish workers were sent to Germany to help maintain industrial production, so that German could focus on military only.
Franco had two forms of nature. His first form depicted a calm man, but sharp of mind. Franco, throughout his life, accomplished every mission he was subjected too. His tactics and rate of efficiency to complete the task ahead of him was always awe-inspiring. Franco was known for keeping his word, regardless of the situation he was in. However, his success was always succumbed by the destruction caused during his mission. His brutality, at times, caused fear in minds of his few supporters. Once the Fascism Government was installed in Spain, Franco uses his power to the limit to crush any signs of opposition. Apart from keeping Spain neutral for most of WWII, he failed to bring any reforms, which were expected during his reign. In short, Franco used the great potential he possessed for the destructive means of Spain.
Bahamonde. "Killers and Heroes of the 20th Century." Francisco Franco Bahamonde. 7 March 2001. Moreorless. 14 Jan 2008 .
Preston, Paul. "Francisco Franco." Spartacus Educational. National Archives. 14 Jan 2008 .
By. Sukrit & Ga young