2008년 1월 16일 수요일
The Policy of Appeasement (Britain & France)

2008년 1월 14일 월요일
Important Person: General Francisco Franco

During the early 1900’s, Franco served in Spanish Morocco, where he was promoted to full general. He continued his upward draft until the 1940’s where he became the dictator of Spain. Major forces, like Britain, France, and America too recognized Franco during his golden years. However, Franco was twice as brutal as efficient in his works. This was seen during the Guernica event in the Spanish Civil war where the death toll was humongous for a town. Franco continued his brutal reign after the civil war and kept his status of a dictator until his death day. After the World War II began, in 1939 it broke out in Europe. Adolf Hitler met General Francisco Franco to make Spain to join the axis power in World War II but Franco declined Hitler’s requirement and declared neutrality. However, Franco supported the axis materially, economically and militarily. In 1941, he sent military volunteer to the axis to join the invasion against the Soviet Union. Additionally, over 100,000 Spanish workers were sent to Germany to help maintain industrial production, so that German could focus on military only.
Franco had two forms of nature. His first form depicted a calm man, but sharp of mind. Franco, throughout his life, accomplished every mission he was subjected too. His tactics and rate of efficiency to complete the task ahead of him was always awe-inspiring. Franco was known for keeping his word, regardless of the situation he was in. However, his success was always succumbed by the destruction caused during his mission. His brutality, at times, caused fear in minds of his few supporters. Once the Fascism Government was installed in Spain, Franco uses his power to the limit to crush any signs of opposition. Apart from keeping Spain neutral for most of WWII, he failed to bring any reforms, which were expected during his reign. In short, Franco used the great potential he possessed for the destructive means of Spain.
Bahamonde. "Killers and Heroes of the 20th Century." Francisco Franco Bahamonde. 7 March 2001. Moreorless. 14 Jan 2008 .
Preston, Paul. "Francisco Franco." Spartacus Educational. National Archives. 14 Jan 2008 .
By. Sukrit & Ga young
2007년 11월 5일 월요일
Russian Propaganda Poster Project

When we look at the picture, firstly we see the image of an angel with a heavenly blue background and then we see that the woman is wearing an army hat. The message is trying to get everyone that the female soldier is also an angel which say that they are fighting for the good cause. They are fighting against an enemy which is evil. On closer inspection we see that the upper head and eyes of woman are more lifelike. This picture would make the more accessible to people. It would be hard to relate to full drawing of an angel but with the life like eyes, people could say that could be me and rest of the drawing is symbolic representing an angel or good.

When you look the poster, you can see the leader in the center with the two men and a woman around him. However, this people are not special people. They are common people the workers. It’s like they are in conversation with the leader. This would be to give the impression that the leader is also a common man and he is for them. Notice that he is the shortest man in the picture. It shows that meek impression but he has confident and determine leader. Probably, when people see the poster, they would think that the leader is sort of their friend. It will help the leader to lead other people. People will be under the impression that he is accessible and like them. To look at the faces of the people around Lenin they are quite serious but they have a look of belief about them. He is also wearing a red ribbon which shows he is a good communist like the common people.
First impression of this picture is quite grim. We see a man who appears to be tired and beaten. He has got a dirty face and beginnings of a beard. He also has a rifle slung on his shoulder. Then to look closer, we see the man has a resolute look on his face. The dirt, beard and slung rifle give the impression that the man has just endured a battle and been victorious. Now the blue background reinforces this idea. The sky has no smoke in it. The skies are clear which give the impression that the troubles are over and better times are ahead. The message is also saying that our brave soldiers brought victory to the country and that is noble and brave action should be honored.

It’s a black and white picture that is surrounded on three sides by a red colored border. Predominately, we see a man and woman standing together. When we look at the shadows on their faces we can see they are looking out into the light that would gives the impression that they are looking to the future. The future is bright and therefore good. They both look young, strong, and healthy and that working on a communal farm is honorable patriotic thing. Their heads are positioned in the middle of a large star and their shoulders make up the final edges of the large star. The woman has almost the same height as the man which shows that woman and man are equal and everyone can work for their country. In the background, there are three harvesters working together in a massive wheat field. The side which the harvesters are heading to has no colored border. This gives the impression that the field is going forever. It gives the impression of prosperity.
In conclusion, it tells me that leaders of the country feel the people always need reminding of the communist cause. They are trying to give the impression that all people are equal including the leader. They want to give the idea the Russian people are resolute, strong, brave and are able to overcome adversities. I personally get the impression from the posters that the country is not technically advanced. When you look at the pictures of the people’s faces, it seems like they are all soldiers, factory workers, or farmers. There are no thinkers or scientists which would say that they should leave the thinking up to leaders.
"Russian Posters, Cuban and Other Posters. Propaganda Posters." Propaganda Posters. 6 Nov. 2007 <http://posters.nce.buttobi.net/>.